“Come for Cookies. Stay for Community.” A Toolbox for Community Building, Facilitating Participation, and Enhancing Belonging for Higher Education Communities

We present another effect of the UNICOMM Project: “Come for Cookies. Stay for Community.” A Toolbox for Community Building, Facilitating Participation, and Enhancing Belonging for Higher Education Communities. This is the unique result of a series of workshops conducted by four different institutions forming the project consortium. The Toolbox contains conclusions, tips and, above all, ready-made solutions to be used in your activities.

The idea for this Toolbox and the workshop curriculum is to provide a variety of adjustable options considering diverse perspectives of:

institutions – the proposed solutions are conceived to be adaptable to different organisational structures and modalities,
students – the activities are designed not to put too much pressure on students or be a burden for their tight schedules, but to gradually strengthen their sense of responsibility and self-confidence in action.

One part of this Toolbox describes the background and the frame for the three main modules of the workshop design, along with the details about the workshop organisation within the consortium institutions.

As the student experience and perspective are at the centre of the UNICOMM Project, in the course of the workshops, the participants were invited to present their insights in the form of written essays. Therefore, another part of the Toolbox presents the student viewpoint on the most important topics covered during the workshops.

The other section of this publication is a summary of the consortium institutions’ experience regarding the organisation of the workshops aimed at enhancing the students’ sense of belonging and increasing their skill levels.

The final part consists of scripts for workshops that can be conducted by HEIs in various forms for diverse audiences in order to enhance the community bonds, gather student opinions on shaping the institutional reality, as well as develop their sense of self-confidence in active participation.

The Toolbox is designed for diverse audiences and practical purposes. There is no specific reading order. You, as the reader, can choose the parts that are most suitable for you. Click on the selected cover and enjoy reading and using the tools!
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Cllick titlepage: ­Come for Cookies. Stay for Community. A Toolbox for Community Building, Facilitating Participation, and Enhancing Belonging for Higher Education Communities. Various solutions for various institutions
Click titlepage: “Come for Cookies. Stay for Community.” A Toolbox for Community Building, Facilitating Participation, and Enhancing Belonging for Higher Education Communities Institutional voices – insights from experience
Click Titlepage: “Come for Cookies. Stay for Community.” A Toolbox for Community Building, Facilitating Participation, and Enhancing Belonging for Higher Education Communities Participants’ voices – how the students themselves perceive the content and the main themes of the workshops
Click titlepage: Come for Cookies. Stay for Community.” A Toolbox for Community Building, Facilitating Participation, and Enhancing Belonging for Higher Education Communities The Tools – workshop scripts


UNICOMM Project is co-funded by the European Union

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency (NA). Neither the European Union nor NA can be held responsible for them.

Project number:  2022-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000086907

Project coordinator
University of Warsaw (Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw)

Project partners

  • University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
  • Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic
  • European Students’ Union, Belgium

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