Multicultural Meetings about Polish Culture

[PL] Wraz z początkiem roku akademickiego, Uniwersyteckie Centrum Wolontariatu zaprasza polskojęzyczne studentki i studentów do podzielenia się ciekawostkami o Polsce i polskiej kulturze z międzynarodową społecznością naszej uczelni.

[EN] At the beginning of each academic year, the Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw invities Polish students to share some interesting facts about Poland and Polish culture with international community of our University.

Do tej pory zorganizowaliśmy spotkania na wiele interesujących tematów / So far we have organised meetings on very interesting topics:

Polish folklore is surprising. An introduction to the Polish folk customs and traditions, by Aleksandra, Polish Studies Student

Let’s get MUSICAL! Polish Musicals Overview, by Bartłomiej, History Student

Polish Holidays and Traditions, by Ola, Applied Linguistic Student and Patrycja, Turkish Studies Student

From Witches to Witcher. Polish Tradition through the centuries, by Piotr, Psychology Student

Polish Castles – Inspiration for Curious Travelers, by Vanessa, International Relations Student

Encounters with Art: Polish School of Posters, by Julia, European Studies Student

Let’s dance! Traditional music and dances from Poland, by Bartłomiej, History Student

Poland: off the beaten track, by Ola, Applied Linguistic Student

Starring: Poland – Discover Polish culture by watching Netflix, by Natalia, Graduate of Applied Linguistic

In the footsteps of Polish Jazz, by Julia, Student of the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies

Polish Holidays Throughout the Year, by Paula, Polish Studies Student

Polish Holidays and Celebrations, by Alicja, Student of the Faculty of Law and Administration

Polish Language Beginners Kit, by Emilian, African Studies Student

Polish Wedding Traditions, by Anhelina, Political Studies Student

Polish West Coast, by Joanna, International Relations Student​

Photos 2022

Photos 2021