Let’s Talk: Myths | Multicultural meeting to share and discuss stories from different cultures

  • 19 listopada 2024

St. Andrew’s Day (Andrzejki) is a Polish tradition where the line between reality and magic becomes so thin that we can glimpse other worlds. People in every culture have rituals and stories that try to bridge the gap between the known and the unknown. In Andrzejki, Polish people traditionally attempt to foresee the future, using various customs and rituals. But beyond these practices, it is a time when we reflect on the mysterious and the supernatural—on gods, monsters, ghosts, and the stories that shape our beliefs.

While this event isn’t focused on the rituals of Andrzejki itself, it’s inspired by the same spirit of storytelling and connection to the unseen world. We would like to invite you to „Let’s Talk: Myths”, an evening where we gather in a small, cozy group to share and discuss stories from different cultures—whether they are myths, legends, or personal tales. Maybe your grandparents told you stories, maybe you learned them in school, or perhaps you read them in books. Let’s come together to hear each other’s stories, share our own, and enjoy some snacks and warm tea. Prepare one story that is close to you and your culture to share with the others. Please keep in mind that the meeting will be conducted in English, so it’s important that you feel comfortable speaking this language.

Thursday, 28th November, 5:00 PM

Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw, Dobra Street 56/66, BUW building

How to join:
Please send us an email at wolontariat[at]uw.edu.pl where you express your interest in participating and write a few sentences about the story you would like to share.

Please note: places are limited.

Application deadline: 27th November

If you haven’t participated in the events and volunteering at Volunteer Centre of UW before, please fill out the Volunteer Form before sending the email to us:

EN: https://wolontariat.uw.edu.pl/volunteer-form/
PL: https://wolontariat.uw.edu.pl/ankieta-wolontariusza/ (jeśli mówisz po polsku bardzo prosimy o wypełnienie formularza w języku polskim)

Let's talk: Myths - promo graphic