Lead activities for children from the centre in Ossa

  • 11 czerwca 2024

We would like to invite you to run activities for children and young people from Ukrainian orphanages. There will be an opportunity to plan and carry out your own activities or support the facilitators and help with the organisation.

We are looking for volunteers willing to lead animation/educational activities for children and young people (age 3-17). The topics of activities may include sports, language, nature, art, and many others. The Volunteer Coordinator will discuss and agree on final proposals and details with you.

In addition, it is possible to volunteer as a support/assistant of the activity leader.

The centre where the children live is located in Ossa (about 80 kilometers from Warsaw). Transport is free of charge, provided in both directions. The bus starts in the morning and returns in the evening, it stops in front of the building at Dobra 55 in Warsaw (Building of the Faculty of Modern Languages).

Even one day is enough, it can be during the week or on a weekend between mid-June and the end of September 2024. Specific dates will be given by the Volunteer Coordinator, then you can apply in advance for a specific date. It is possible to adjust the dates and arrange the trip with the whole team and volunteers.

We encourage people who:

  • enjoy spending time with children,
  • are experienced in leading activities/animation,
  • are ready for a language challenge (Ukrainian/Russian language skills may be an asset),
  • are open-minded and communicative,
  • like to work in a group,
  • willing to test themselves in running activities.

Why is it worth joining the action?
This is an opportunity to:

  • help children from orphanages in Ukraine,
  • gain experience in running activities for children,
  • share your passions with the youngest,
  • create and run your own original activities for children and young people,
  • practice your communication skills,
  • broaden your CV and experience.

In addition, volunteers will receive volunteer certificates. There will be a package of gadgets for the most active and engaged people.

Would you like to get involved in running the activities?
Send an email with title „Lead activities for children from the centre in Ossa”, your name, and surname to wolontariat[at]uw.edu.pl.

We are waiting for applications until Wednesday 19 June.

Don’t wait until the end of the call!

If you haven’t participated in the events and volunteering at Volunteer Centre of UW before, please fill out the Volunteer Form before sending the email to us:
EN: https://wolontariat.uw.edu.pl/volunteer-form/
PL: https://wolontariat.uw.edu.pl/ankieta-wolontariusza/ (jeśli mówisz po polsku bardzo prosimy o wypełnienie formularza w języku polskim)

Promo graphic: Lead activities for children from the centre in Ossa