Multicultural Meetings about Polish Culture

Join our famous Multicultural Meetings about Poland! Various topics prepared by Students of the University of Warsaw are waiting for you:

The list of participants for this meeting is full From Witches to Witcher – Polish Culture Throughout the Centuries, by Piotr, Psychology Student
17th October at 5:00 pm

During this meeting you will have occasion to discover fascinating Polish beliefs, myths and historical contexts from medieval times to contemporary days. This is not all! You will learn about it through the media such as literature, art and even video games!

Please note: After the presentation you can join Multicultural Meetings After Hours, a social gathering organised by a volunteer Julia!

The list of participants for this meeting is full Polish Language Beginners Kit, by Emilian, African Studies Student
18th October at 5:00 pm 

The meeting aims to familiarize international students with essential language tools that will get them started in a new language environment. It is meant to ease them into the nooks and crannies of the Polish alphabet as well as the many ways of greeting native speakers and making small talk with them. Spiced up with possible anecdotes and fun facts, not only will it allow for some skills to be gained, but it’ll also brighten up your mood as well!

Polish Holidays and Traditions, by Ola, Applied Linguistic Student and Patrycja, Turkish Studies Student
20th October at 5:00 pm

Every country has its unique traditions. Poland is no exception. If you want to learn more about Polish holidays, join this meeting where Ola and Patrycja will help you discover them!

Let’s get MUSICAL! Polish Musicals Overview, by Bartłomiej, History Student
25th October at 5:00 pm

If you love the stage, or if the stage loves you this meeting is not to be missed! Bartek will take you on a musical journey through most famous Polish musicals and theatrical performances. There is more! After the presentation you are all invited to join a karaoke evening to test your new knowledge about Polish songs in practice!

All the Meetings take place in the Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw (the University Library building, Dobra Street 56/66).
All the meetings will be held in English and will last around 2 hours.

Multicultural Meetings are a great occasion to meet new people from all over the world, who also study at our University!

We advise you choose two or three meetings that interest you the most to participate in. We can only invite limited number of participants for each meeting, so please consider your choice wisely.
There will be also some surprises waiting for the participants of the events.

So if you are inspired by the diverse cultures of our University just as we are, and if you want to get to know some more about the culture and language of Poland, you should definitely join us!

To sign up please send us an email: wolontariat[at]
In the email, let us know in which meeting would you like to participate.

Application deadline: Friday, 14th October 2022 1:00pm (the number of participants is limited so please do not wait until the last moment)

*If you did not participate in the events and volunteering at Volunteer Centre of UW before, please fill out the Volunteer Form before sending the email to us:
PL: (jeśli mówisz po polsku bardzo prosimy o wypełnienie formularza w języku polskim)

Also if you want to join our Multicultural Team and would like to present or conduct a workshop about your country/culture/language/etc. you are more than welcome to do so – just send us an email and we will help you in the organisation.
Here you can have a look on previous Multicultural Meetings at UW:

Georgian Alphabet Workshop

Multicultural Meetings about Canada and China

Culture and Language of Turkmenistan

Multicultural Meetings about Poland 2019

Multicultural Meetings about Poland 2021

Plakat promujący wolontariat wielokulturowy