[PL] W semestrze zimowym każdego roku akademickiego Uniwersyteckie Centrum Wolontariatu zaprasza zagranicznych studentów i studentki do zaprezentowania ciekawostek o swoich kulturach.
[EN] In the winter semester of each academic year, the Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw invites foreign students to present interesting facts about their cultures.
Do tej pory zorganizowaliśmy spotkania o kulturach / So far we have organised meetings about the cultures:
Georgian Alphabet Workshop, by Gvantsa, Student from Georgia
Language and Culture of Turkmenistan, by Jemal, Student from Turkmenistan
Incredible Flavours of India, by Harsh, Student from India
Hello Canada!, by Molly, Student from Canada
People and Languages of China, by Bixi and Shiyu, Students from China
A Cultural Overview of the North of England, by Sam, Student from the United Kingdom
Big Flavours in Small Italy, by Luca, PhD Student from Italy
Breathtaking and Undiscovered Uzbekistan, by Gyuzel and Elvira, Students from Uzbekistan
DISCOVER THE INDONESIAN ARCHIPELAGO!, by Sultan, Student from Indonesia
Does this comic have Dracula in it? – Let’s Dive into Romanian Comics!, by Theodora, Student from Romania
Art and culture of Uzbekistan, by Marjona, Student from Uzbekistan
Let’s Talk: Myths!, coordinated by Alisa, Student from Ukraine